The roof of the house is a very vital construction because it functions as a cover for a building to protect the inside from rain and heat. If you are looking for roof planning preferences, let’s find out the types of roof plans in this article. Also, you must consider to hire right professional roofing contractor such as Roofing company Kennewick, WA.

If you are planning to build a house, there are things that must be considered, one of which is the roof of the house. The shape of the roof that fits the plan will have an influence on comfort, aesthetics, and air circulation in the house. You can use the service of Roofing company Pasco, WA for installing or repairing to get a satisfactory roof service.

For that, it is important for you to pay attention to the right roof plan for building your dream home. You also have to look for a truly trusted roofing service like the Roofing company Richland, WA to apply the roof plan according to what you want. The roof planning itself is a design drawing of the roof shape to be built, as well as depicting the shape of the roof after the building stands.

For that, let’s find out the types of roof plans below.

1. Flat Roof Plan

This roof shape is the simplest roof form. The roof model is horizontal without any side meeting. In general, flat roofs are used in homes that carry a minimalist style. By using this roof model will make the house look concise and straight.

2. Gable Plan

The shape of the gable roof is characterized by the shape of two trapezoidal areas with a 30 to 40-degree angle that meets at the top. This model is very suitable for use in tropical areas because it can drain rainwater and also reduce heat well. Therefore, a model like this is commonly used for office models or school buildings.

3. Saw Roof Plan

The form of a saw roof is commonly applied to factory buildings or industrial buildings. This is because this roof has a steep shape so it can protect factory machines and workers from direct sunlight. However, over time, saw models also began to be used for residential homes.

4. Roof Plans/Pyramid

The form of a shield roof is also known as a pyramid roof. The concept of this roof model is made with four planes, namely two triangular planes and also two trapezoidal planes. All these fields will then be connected at the top or what is commonly called the ridge.

5. Combination Saddle and Shield Roof Plan

Well, the following roof forms are a combination of a shield and a saddle roof. In other words, it is the perfect form of the shield and gable roof. This one roof form is usually used in houses that have a large size. Usually, the front side of the house uses a gable roof, while the long side uses a shield roof.

6. Tent roof

This roof has four triangular roof planes that have the same size and slope. In general, this tent shape is used in buildings that have a square shape.

7. Standard roof

The form of this roof is a form of development of the gable roof. In the beginning, this roof was only used for the roof of additional buildings. However, over time, standard roofs began to be used to model the roof of the main house building. Using a standard roof model makes the house building look modern.

8. Dome roof

This type of roof is usually found in mosque or church buildings. However, the shape of the dome is also common in buildings such as museums, performing arts, and meeting halls. The use of a dome roof was chosen because it was considered capable of adding to the artistic value of a building.