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Sod vs Artificial Turf, Which One is Right For You?

Artificial turf vs real sod. Which is best for you? It can be a difficult choice for many homeowners but it’s an important one. Differences in brands, providers and even styles of landscaping yorba linda complicate matters more however don’t let this deter you. Having the right type of grass or artificial turf for your lawn, garden or sporting area is important and can be the key difference to unlock the full potential or your landscaping plan.

Each of these options has their own benefits and drawbacks. As a result of that and whatever your unique situation is, one will be applicable for some and not for others and visa-versa. While we obviously cannot know you and your situation precisely, we can give pointers on what you should be considering when weighing up your options.

Cost of Installation

There are many factors that can affect the cost of installing sod or artificial turf. For example, you must consider the size of the area to be covered, existing landscaping features, and drainage or even irrigation needs.

With the size, it’s pretty straight forward. Larger area will equal more money. When it comes to existing features to work around and drainage it